i didn't get the tamale pie ready this morning, plus G had used all the corn the other night. so anyway, i decided to stop by choku bai jo after work while the kids were at M&D's and make tacos tonight. however i knew we had no taco shells lol
a few weeks ago dani had mentioned getting a tortilla maker / oven / some kitchen appliance of which i was deathly jealous LOL
so idecided to make my own tortillas. not a bad idea for a night i don't get home til 6pm right? LMAO!!!
anyway, rang G and he kind of got it started (he had only started heating the meat which i had cooked yesterday anyway lol) . as soon as i got home i went to the link i had found to make tortillas and got started.

oh and i cooked in them our sandwich press which cooked them twice as quick! (though maybe the weight of the top plate stopped them puffing and thus made them tougher?
anyone got another recipe to recommend?
oh and the taco spice review - very nice... a bit spicy for ryan *rolling my eyes* i couldn't even feel any heat in it but he couldn't eat it! it was maybe a touch salty. but otherwise great, definitely one to repeat.

Here is the recipe I use. It's also where I bought my tortilla press and masa harina from. The press doesn't cook them, just flattens them. I must try cooking them in the sandwich press. Brilliant idea.
I've made the Hillbilly Housewife tortillas. Apparently the trick to making them soft is to seal them in a plastic bag while they're warm - I haven't tested it yet - worth a try though.
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