we are going camping for a week in october. it's the first time we've camped for more than 2 nights so it will be interesting to see how we go foodwise! we don't have a fridge or any great way to keep things cold - we have an esky and can borrow another but last time we tried to pack for a weekend the food was all swimming in water after 24 hours :( the last few days won't be so bad as we're camping with friends who'll be staying in cabins (*waving hello to my lurkers lol*) so we can refreeze freezer blocks etc, but the first 4-5 days we'll be on our own in a campground with no electricity.
we do have a campstove now which is more than we've had before! we dont' have any pots though as i gave all our old ones away before we started camping. i need to get out to some garage sales to see if i can get some more. i do have a huge cast iron frypan i picked up that way but it needs serious rust removal done on it first...

so anyway, i've been meaning to post some ideas on here, but kept forgetting, but i just found
this link on taste which reminded me :)
we find that soup/casserole things frozen into large blocks will last a few days and keep your milk etc chilled.
Potatoes pack easily and can be baked in the fire.
Op shops are great for old pots too
i'm sure i did a spag bol sauce and froze it to take last time and had to wait an extra day for it to defrost lol
it'd be good to cook a few meals ahead to have a cooking holiday, though cooking might fill in some time too ;)
didn't think of the op shop, great idea, thanks!
Great ideas and links. Even for us in cabins :)
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