
Today's Rice Noodle version... (Gluten Free)


1 packet rice noodles, cooked according to directions
2 medium carrots grated
1/2 - 1 lebanese cucumber, finely sliced and then julienned
some lettuce, shredded
1/2 red capsicum, cut into fine julienned pieces
several sprigs of fresh mint, shredded
1/2 bunch fresh coriander, chopped
several cloves of garlic, peeled and finely chopped
1-2 lamb fillets, sprinkled with Five Spice Powder, fried or BBQ grilled on a high heat, then sliced
tamari, to taste
(also yummy but not suitable for us would be a little hoisin sauce and / or sweet chilli sauce or jam)

mix well and serve!

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