
Passionfruit Slice

this is a favourite for 'take a plates' as it's so quick and easy. it's very 'more-ish' though (ie you want to eat more and more lol) so i only ever make it to share. i have a playdate / morning tea tomorrow and need afternoon tea for my undercoverwear party on saturday so i'm going to whip this up now :)

i got this recipe off eb, but the topping is almost identical to what my great aunt (who was a fantastic baker and cook) used to make to top her homemade sponge cakes - YUM!

Passionfruit Slice

1 cup self-raising flour
1/2 cup castor sugar
pinch salt
1 cup coconut
125g (4 oz) butter, melted

1 400g tin condensed milk ( or skim sweetened condensed milk - tastes the same, but fewer calories!)
Juice of 2 small lemons
Pulp of 2 passionfruit

Base ~ Combine all ingredients. Line slice tray with greaseproof paper, and spread mixture in evenly. Bake in moderate oven 15 minutes. Cool.
Topping ~ Mix together and pour over cooked base. Cook a further 8 to 10 minutes

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yum! I remember my mum making something like this, but I cant remember trying anythinglike it for years. I am going to give this one a go next time I am on playgroup morning tea.