2 cups roughly diced carrot
2/3 cup sugar
2/3 cup oil (I use grapeseed)
2/3 cup applesauce (make in thermo)
3 eggs
1/2 tspn salt
1 1/3 tspn baking soda (bicarb)
1 1/3 tspn baking powder
1 1/3 tspn cinnamon or mixed spice
1 1/3 cups plain flour
1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)
place carrot in thermomix, chop on speed 6 for approx 5-10 seconds. remove.
place butterfly in thermo.
combine sugar and oil on speed 4 for approx 10-15 seconds. scrape sides down, add applesauce and mix on speed 4 for another 10-15 seconds.
reduce speed to 2 and add eggs one at a time through top and beat till smooth.
add dry ingredients and mix on speed 2 for around 10-15 seconds.
add in carrots and mix on speed 2 for 5-10 seconds.
pour into a greased cake tin and bake in a mod. slow over 160-180'c (325-350'F) for 1 hour.
(frosting yet to be thermo'd, will edit this later!)
cream cheese frosting:
250g / 8 oz cream cheese
3 tbspns butter
1 cup icing sugar
1 tspn vanilla
mix together and spread on cook cake.
Hey, cool blog! We also have another carrot cake recipe for the thermomix. http://sarahcarlos.wordpress.com/2008/07/29/spanish-carrot-cake/ Yours looks very good though. We should try to make it muffing style....
Hi Brazen,
I've just made the original recipe in the Thermomix and it worked brilliantly! Thanks!
I've converted your cup measurements to grams:
170g oil
130g sugar (I use only 2/3 cup)
200g plain flour
Keep 'em coming!
yep, weights are here :)
Oh...duh....! I should have checked that before.
Cake is wonderful! Light and tasty.
i should come back and update, but it's just not going to happen lol
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