
Lessons to learn!

Thermomix owners take note - important reminders for you!!!

learned the hard way by me ;p

1. don't overfill your thermomix, or remove the lid too quickly after fast speeds, or keep putting the bowl in the base while still wet. overflows in the machine are NOT GOOD

2. crush ice at least once a month (make sorbet or if no one will eat it just crush ice and chuck) or more to sharpen your blades

3. as soon as any weird noises start call your country's head office (see website) and ask to speak to someone in their service department. don't keep putting it off!

and don't forget you will need to replace the seal every 18-24 months. you can order them from your demonstrator or direct from head office (i think) and they are around $20 each

I can't wait til my Thermomix arrives home safely!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Thermomixer said...

Thanks - it is amazing how tightly the lid fits with a new seal ;)