
Hello Zoe!

yesterday geoff and i set out with the kids on an expedition to buy Ryan's first school shoes. first stop DFO and the food court for some morning tea (we now take our own GF snacks everywhere, and just buy drinks.

as emelia and i were waiting for our 'cinos a lady with 2 young boys came up and asked if i was Karen, then checked if i was brazen and said "Hi I'm Zoe". i didn't hear what she said next so i was racking my brain trying to work out which zoe i know from where LOL the only one i could think of has one little girl so it wasn't her. I asked where she knew me from and she said here, she recognised rora! (yes, i don't think i've blogged here about poor emelia's haircut lol)

how very cool :) so hello Zoe, it was lovely to meet you! thanks for saying hello :)

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