
Bad Blogger...

Christmas seems to have sucked all my blogging skills and food abilities out of me!

I am exhausted as we had the party on Christmas eve (and all the cleaning and prep before), then Christmas dinner at my sister's (across Canberra) which saw us prepping food all afternoon on Christmas day. then a day off thank goodness, other than a visit from G's sister! then last night we caught up with Geoff's family in Weston Creek. the kids have had 3 or 4 10pm nights in that time too. we are all pretty tired.

i also had my weightwatchers weigh in yesterday (though it seems like forever ago) and while it could have been worse it could have been better ;p it's not going to be better next week as i have finished all the rocky road that was left from christmas day *sigh* at least it's gone now! i forgot to add the marshmallows which meant it was all a 'hard' texture which was surprisingly disturbing LOL

tonight i made my tmx butter chicken and it overcooked again - i'm thinking i need to adjust the cooking time as that's the second time it's done that. it's weird how it can work perfectly one time but then not after that. i also made the jubilant dal again but as i had no spinach i put in a few small potatoes and a tiny piece of leftover broccoli and it was lovely - ryan discovered he loved it!

speaking of potatoes - last year we attempted a vegie garden out the back. it was basically a disaster as we forgot to water it and the plants that grew anyway (zucchini and cucumber) got mould. we also planted peas, potatoes and capsicums. this spring one pea plant and a heap of potato plants sprung up! the pea plant still didn't do so well without enough water but the potato plants did. on boxing day (when dinner was all the leftover meats and salads from christmas eve and christmas day) i was outside with rora and noticed about half the plants were ready for me to dig up the potatoes which i did. i then made them into a very simple potato salad with some sour cream, apple cider vinegar, seeded mustard, salt and pepper and shallots / spring onions and black ollives. OMG the potatoes were sooooooooo good! i can't wait til the rest are ready to be dug up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It never ceases to amaze me how incredibly good home grown, freshly picked spuds are. I'm dying for ours to be ready.