it was an interesting experience!
the menu didn't quite go according to plan, mainly because of weather...
the first night we got to green patch at jervis bay was lovely and we used the gas bbq's to do our hamburgers which were great, but overnight the weather changed and we had 2 full days and nights of freezing winter weather, constant rain showers and some heavy falls, and very strong winds.
the wind made it pretty impossible to use our gas stove without one of us going off into the amenities block for hours - there's no camp kitchen and the bbq's have a roof but no walls so with wind AND rain they were a no-go too. it took me over half an hour to boil a pot full of water one day so it just made life very difficult.
we still did our dinners roughly according to the menu plan (a few minor changes depending on what defrosted when), and that worked really well - the ice box was brilliant at keeping everything frozen / very very cold for the whole week. breakfasts however were a whole nother matter. we ended up giving the kids peanut butter on weetbix (til we ran out of pb - aagh!) and then we would find a WARM DRY cafe to have a huge cooked brunch in ! lol
i think next time if i knew there were free gas bbq's i would plan more bbq meals rather than pre-cooking meals.

PS: i wish i could have taken my thermomix, it would have made life much easier! lol
PPS: for some reason blogger is posting my photos big even though i'm selecting the small option. i'll just post the ones of the hyams beach cafe and one of the gorgeous beach and you can see the rest of my pics on flickr if you want :)

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